United States Census 2020 – Why is it important?
November 21, 2019
The results of the census determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional and state legislative districts. In addition, the census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, corporations and many others use to provide daily services, products, choosing new sites for jobs/businesses and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.
Fifth Primary Debate of 2020 – Wednesday, 11.20.19
November 14, 2019
The next presidential debate will be held Wednesday, November 20, 2019, from 9:00pm-11:00pm at the newly dedicated Tyler Perry Studios, located in southwest Atlanta, GA. Ten candidates are qualified for the debate.
Fourth Primary Debate scheduled October 15, 2019, in Ohio
October 5, 2019
The next Democratic Primary Debate will be held at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio, on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 8:00pm-11:00pm. The ten Democratic candidates for president who qualified for the the third debate are qualified for the next round. The DNC announced earlier to campaigns that the fourth debate will focus on one night.
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