Tag Archives: Fact Check
Kasich Followed Through on Suarez “To Do List”
June 16, 2014

Despite Governor Kasich’s insistence that he was uninvolved in the Suarez pay-to-play scandal, federal prosecutors revealed in court today that a February 2011 internal strategy memo proposed that Kasich contact the California Attorney General on Suarez’s behalf. Governor Kasich’s office ultimately followed through on that “to-do-list” and contacted California AG Kamala Harris in April of that year.
Ohio GOP’s Attempt to Distract from Taylor Scandal Gets Facts Wrong
June 10, 2014

After the FitzGerald campaign held a press conference this afternoon on Governor Kasich’s refusal to answer questions surrounding the sudden resignation of Lt. Governor Mary Taylor’s Chief of Staff and her executive assistant, Republicans issued a false attack on FitzGerald.
This misleading, desperate attack only raises more questions about what the Republicans are trying to distract reporters from in Taylor’s office, and why Kasich allowed the Lt. Governor’s questionable and incompetent behavior to continue for three years unchecked.
FitzGerald Campaign Statement on Tax Increases Under Governor Kasich
June 5, 2014

FitzGerald Campaign Communications Director Daniel McElhatton released the following statement on the tax provisions in the Mid-Biennium Report:
“Governor Kasich’s claims about lowering taxes for Ohio’s working families are blatantly false. Even with the recent acceleration of tax cuts, a report released yesterday by Innovation Ohio provides factual data on the reality that Ohio’s families have been living with for the last three years.
NBC 4 Calls Claim in RGA Ad for Kasich Untrue
May 9, 2014

Last night, NBC 4 in Columbus did a fact check of the new Republican Governors Association advertisement for John Kasich. They found the opening claim to be “not true” and poked holes in RGA’s claim that Governor Kaisch hasn’t raised taxes. The video is available HERE.