Tag Archives: Fact Check
FACT CHECK: Kasich Shifted, Not Lifted
April 22, 2014

After a poll last week showed the Governor tied with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald, John Kasich’s campaign released their second ad in a week, once again zealously stressing his working class roots and his leadership in job “growth.” In reality, the Governor has done little to allow Ohio’s middle class families to achieve the same success he has.
FACT CHECK: The RGA’s Continued Incompetence
April 21, 2014

After their two previous attacks were debunked as misleading and flat out lies, the RGA launched another attack on Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald this morning, claiming “it’s clear that, as a result of FitzGerald’s incompetence as the head of Cuyahoga County, taxpayer dollars have been wasted.”
FACT CHECK: FitzGerald Reduced Cuyahoga County Spending, Saved Tax Payer Money
April 17, 2014

After a poll yesterday showed Governor Kasich tied with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) released a document dump claiming that FitzGerald “wastes taxpayer money” as Cuyahoga County Executive.
Kasich’s first TV ad attempts to rewrite history
April 15, 2014

Yesterday, Governor Kasich’s team tried to scrub a Romney sign from a campaign photo, and today, they’re back at it again with the release of their first ad – trying to rewrite history and reintroduce the incumbent Governor as leader in job growth with blue-collar roots who has the best interest of working Ohioans at heart.