Tag Archives: education
Carney Responds To New Revelations In Horizon Charter Case
July 28, 2014

Former Student Reveals He Was Paid To Alter State Tests
COLUMBUS – New allegations concerning the Dayton Horizon Science Academy in a report aired on WHIO-TV Friday night and in a Dayton Daily News story on Sunday. Both reports featured testimony of a graduate at Dayton Horizon Science Academy. Hakkimte Sun, a former student of Dayton Horizon Science Academy, told reporters he was paid by administrators to fill in answers on hundreds of State standardized tests.
Horizon Memo Warns of 4 Potential Lawsuits, Contradicts Management Company’s Rosy Press Release After School Board Hearing
July 17, 2014
Statement on Results of Third Grade Reading Test
June 18, 2014
Editorial: Kasich must halt unmerited legislative gift to White Hat dropout charter schools
June 12, 2014

Editorial By: Brent Larkin was The Plain Dealer’s editorial director from 1991 until his retirement in 2009. Photo at left: Akron businessman David Brennan, founder of White Hat Management, with his trademark white hat – The Plain Dealer File Photo.
Given a choice between siding with what’s best for taxpayers or contributors, Ohio’s Republican-run House will almost always choose the latter.
When it comes to consistently selling out their constituents, House Speaker Bill Batchelder and his crew have no peers. Rare is the occasion when good government bests a good-sized check.